
To use Django-VueFormGenerator in a project:

from django_vueformgenerator.schema import Schema
from django import forms
import json

class TestForm(forms.Form):
    title = forms.CharField(max_length=128)
    content = forms.TextField(max_length=1280)

form = TestForm()  # or TestForm(data={'title': 'My Title'})
schema = Schema().render(form)

Then on the frontend, you can use the schema directly:

    <vue-form-generator :schema="schema" :model="model"></vue-form-generator>

export default {
    // ...
    data() {
        return { /* schema object from Django-VueFormGenerator */ };
    // ...

Currently, the fields that are implemented are:

  • django.forms.CharField which maps to { “type”: “text” }
  • django.forms.TextField which maps to { “type”: “textArea” }
  • django.forms.BooleanField which maps to { “type”: “checkbox” }
  • django.forms.IntegerField which maps to { “type”: “number” }
  • Any field which uses django.forms.Field(choices=(…)) which maps to { “type”: “select” }

For more information, check:

  • VueFormGenerator’s documentation <>
  • Django Form’s documentation <>